Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bringing the bike

Those of you who know me understand there was no way I was going without my bike. This was a new challenge. However, I think it will work out. I bought a used hard bike case for $100. I should have no problem selling it for the same price when I get back to the states. Aer Lingus only charges $50 for each piece of luggage and this is just one piece. Taking apart the bike is actually pretty easy. At first I was thinking I would need to remove the headset but that isn't necessary. A couple of bolts hold the handle bars to the headset. I also bought baggage insurance through American Express (no, you don't need to have an Amex card): $12 per person for max. of $2,000 insurance. Won't cover the total cost of the bike if it is stolen but it's getting a little old anyway. Now I'm dreaming of riding out to Versailles or Barbizon via the Seine.

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